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Explore the most recent data on the drug situation in Europe provided by the EU Member States. These datasets underpin the analysis presented in the agency's work. Most data may be viewed interactively on screen and downloaded in Excel format.
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We work closely with the 27 EU Member States plus Norway and Türkiye, candidates and potential candidates to the EU, the European Neighbourhood Policy countries and other third countries.
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Selected topics
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Best practice
The content in this section is aimed at anyone involved in planning, implementing or making decisions about health and social responses.
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We have developed a systemic approach that brings together the human networks, processes and scientific tools necessary for collecting, analysing and reporting on the many aspects of the European drugs phenomenon.
Selected areas
Partners and cooperation
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Explore our wide range of publications, videos and infographics on the drugs problem and how Europe is responding to it.
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Featured publications
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Recent events
- CND side event - Shaping the future: preparedness for a changing drug landscape
- Sixty-eighth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)
- EUDA online event: Health and social responses to drugs — achievements of the COPOLAD III project
- Bi-regional exchange on cannabis policies: achievements and insights from COPOLAD III
- Online EUPC basic training for Brazilian experts
- Online EUPC basic training for Brazilian experts
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Recent news
- CND 2025 side event — Shaping the future: preparedness for a changing drug landscape
- First EUDA work programme 2025–2027 published today
- Latest European Web Survey on Drugs reveals drug use habits of over 66 000 Europeans
- Implementing wastewater studies in Latin America and the Caribbean
- EUDA Scientific Committee holds first meeting and elects new Chair and Deputy
- Poland takes over EU presidency with the motto 'Security, Europe!'
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About the EUDA
We are your source of drug-related expertise in Europe. We prepare and share independent, scientifically validated knowledge, alerts and recommendations.
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