Austrian national focal point

Logo of the Austrian National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addictions

The Austrian REITOX National Focal Point was established at the Austrian National Public Health Institute (GOEG) in 1995 and integrated into GOEG's Addiction Competence Centre in 2016. The Addiction Competence Centre addresses all forms of addiction, including illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, gaming, and other potentially addictive behaviours. Their core activities are substance use epidemiology, data collection and interpretation, policy support, strategy development, and networking. Their mission is supporting policy and stakeholders to be prepared for addiction related challenges.

The Austrian national focal point was EMCDDA certified on 31 March 2020.

EMCDDA certified Ritox national focal point



Contact information

Austrian Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, GÖG)
Mr Martin Busch
Stubenring 6
1010 Wien
