Cooperation Programme between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on drug policies (COPOLAD)




The EUDA has been involved in COPOLAD since 2011 through ad hoc contributions related to supporting National Drug Observatories in Latin American and Caribbean countries (LAC) countries and the EU-CELAC Dialogues. The EUDA's partnership in COPOLAD III will build on previous EUDA contributions in the previous two phases of this project: COPOLAD I (2011–15) and COPOLAD II (2016– 2020).

COPOLAD III is led by the International Ibero-American Foundation for Public Policies and Administrations (FIIAPP), in consortium with the Italian-Latin American International Organization (IILA). Collaborating in the programme are the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and the EUDA. The programme, which began in February 2021, will run until January 2025 with a total budget of EUR 15 million.

COPOLAD III aims to:

  • Strengthen the technical capacity and institutional role of the National Drug Observatories (NDO);
  • Improve the coherence, balance quality and evidence base of the Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) policies in LAC countries;
  • Increase the number of LAC countries having designed and implemented evidence-based drugs supply reduction policies based on human rights, a gender approach, social inclusion, sustainable development and public security.

The EUDA signed a grant agreement with IILA in July 2022, aimed at supporting a range of activities in LAC countries through a stronger focus on data collection, evidence-based policies and research.

Contact the EUDA COPOLAD III team  


Timetable for EUDA cooperation: July 2022-November 2024.


The EUDA will support FIIAPP and the IILA in delivering the following programme outputs:

  • strengthened technical capacity and institutional role of the NDOs;
  • improved coherence, balance, quality and evidence base of drug demand reduction policies in LAC countries;
  • effective strengthening of cooperation in drug trafficking investigative activities;
  • enhanced support for the political–technical dialogue between EU and LAC regions on drug-related issues.





The source data for this graphic is available in the source table on this page.

Country Country code Participates
Antigua and Barbuda AG Yes
Argentina AR Yes
Bahamas undefined Yes
Barbados BB Yes
Belize BZ Yes
Bolivia BO Yes
Brazil BR Yes
Chile CL Yes
Colombia CO Yes
Costa Rica CR Yes
Cuba CU Yes
Dominica DM Yes
El Salvador SV Yes
Ecuador EC Yes
Grenada GD Yes
Guatemala GT Yes
Guyana GY Yes
Haiti HT Yes
Honduras HN Yes
Jamaica JM Yes
Mexico MX Yes
Panama PA Yes
Paraguay PY Yes
Peru PE Yes
Dominican Republic DO Yes
Saint Lucia LC Yes
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN Yes
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC Yes
Suriname SR Yes
Trinidad and Tobago TT Yes
Uruguay UY Yes
Venezuela VE Yes