EUDA's work with neighbouring countries

Please note: due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and in line with the EU position, ongoing and planned bilateral engagement between the EUDA and representatives of Russia and Belarus has been suspended with immediate effect.
The EUDA has been cooperating with countries in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) area for many years. It is currently managing the EU4Monitoring Drugs II (EU4MD II) project which will run from 2023 until the end of 2027 and will involve ENP countries.
- Algeria
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus (suspended)
- Egypt
- Georgia
- Israel
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Moldova
- Morocco
- Palestine*
- Tunisia
- Ukraine
*Palestine: This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.
More about the EUDA's work with countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy
The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) aims to forge closer ties with countries to the South and East of the European Union (EU). This ENP framework is proposed to the EU's 16 closest neighbours – Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus (cooperation suspended), Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. In March 2007 the Council of the EU agreed on the gradual participation of ENP partner countries in the work of EU agencies to encourage regulatory and administrative reform and to promote convergence of ENP partners’ policies with EU norms, standards and best practices.
In this context, and in line with the EUDA strategy on international cooperation with third countries adopted by the EUDA Management board in July 2009, the EUDA cooperates with ENP countries to exchange data and methodologies for monitoring the drug situation and organising joint training activities. In the long term, when bilateral agreements have been negotiated with the European Commission on behalf of the European Union, the countries will also be invited to participate in the work of the EUDA.